Friday, July 31, 2015

Kinder Wasteland is now out!

That's right everyone! The first in a trilogy is now out on Amazon!
For my beta readers, you guys will receive a free copy of the final copy of it. Thank you for helping me out with it.

The second book 'Kinder Wonderland' is in the process of being written right now too.
I'm too giddy for words right now.

1 of 3 just about done!

Alright. While I was without any internet access, I managed to finish up 8 out of 9 chapters of my first book. As I type this, I'm also working on the final chapter. Just wanted to let you guys know this.

Also, I've been fiddling around with some 3D modelling and made models of the main characters of the book. Once the book is up for sale, I'll release pictures of said models.

One last thing: my husband, M.L. Jones will be making posts here about his own works.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

First book of a trilogy in the works

So for my first major book project, I plan on working on a trilogy. I know it seems like a really big thing for a newbie, but I love a challenge.

The first book of the trilogy is being written while the second is in the planning/outline stage.

More info to come as I feel the need to tell you.